Who can come?
We happily welcome all those who is willing to serve as a volunteer in our esteem charitable trust JESUDAS WILSON , Hubli Karnataka from every corner of the Earth,
We feel privilege to have overseas volunteer in our Charitable trust to see their ability to share their culture, skills and experience as invaluable for Sushanti Children Home and the organisation. Derive the maximum value from your stay in India as you help show our youngsters the world through your eyes.
SO, Dont Be Delay !
Volunteer Engagement
As an overseas volunteer at Jesudas Wilson you would engage with the Sushanti Children (homes) programme or Serving individual Child so as to have mantor parent experience . You could also assist us in the office.
We have currently one project in action despite our Charitable Trust at Hubli Karnataka , INDIA , God has given us this wonderful opportunity to serve 30 -40 Children in our entire charitable Trust.
If you sign up as a volunteer , you can choose to be placed at any one of these choices.
In addition to volunteering with JESUDAS WILSON CHARITY, you can support our Head Office in areas like fund raising, communications, human resource management and research.
If volunteering at JESUDAS WILSON TRUST, you can choose to be a residential volunteer and stay at the home. If you prefer, you can stay at budget lodgings.
We are extremely sorry to manage our accommodation for those who wishes to be with children most of their time, We dont have convenient accommodation for the Volunteer as per choices .
As volunteer you would stay at budget lodgings and commute to the project. We can assist in arranging safe accommodation.
As a volunteer, you would support all the costs of your stay. JESUDAS WILSON CHARITABLE TRUST would not be in a position to support these costs.
Thank You !
Cost of Stay
At JESUDAS WILSON CHARITY we greatly value the time and effort that overseas volunteers put in to make a difference to our children, young girls and the organisation .
We therefore do not charge overseas volunteers any registration or programme fee, Volunteers support their accommodation, meals, travel and all personal expenses. This helps us reduce our administrative expenses so that funds we raise can be utilised towards our projects.
Cost for an overseas volunteer
The costs vary between Rs.12,000 – Rs.15,000 (approximately (US$215-US$270) per month depending on the kind of accommodation you choose.
We could also help you find accommodation if you email our volunteer team well in advance. – at info@jesudaswilson.com